@article{oai:okinawauniversity.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000234, author = {仲地, 清 and Nakachi, Kiyoshi}, issue = {16}, journal = {地域研究 = Regional Studies}, month = {Sep}, note = {第二次大戦後、設立された国際連合の役割は平和維持、人権保障、民族自決権確立などで、それらは国連憲章、世界人権宣言の中に規定されている。戦後続いた米軍統治下の沖縄では人権、自治権は限られていた。沖縄の人々にとって国連憲章と国連決議が、人権、自治権拡大運動のより処であった。論文は戦後から現在まで、沖縄の人々はどのように国連を活用してきたかを、歴史的に概観し、特に、「植民地付与宣言」に基いた「2・1 立法院決議」、さらに最近の「人権」「自己決定権」の視点から「先住民族琉球民族」の実態を国連委員会に報告する運動を分析して、沖縄と国連の関係の特質を明らかにする。 The task of the United Nations is to keep peace, protect human rights and expand autonomy. The Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are broadly recognized standards to achieve these goals. Okinawa was under the US military government from 1945 to 1972. Even after the 1972 reversion of Okinawa, it was the location of a large presence of US military and Japanese Defense Forces. In such a social and political environment, human rights and autonomy were limited by the US and Japanese governments.  The purpose of the paper is to examine how Okinawans have applied the goals and functions of the United Nations to promote social and political movement from 1945 to today. Furthermore, the paper attempts, using the case of Okinawa, to redefine the role of the UN today, especially in light of the current perception of its decreased role and influence.}, pages = {179--189}, title = {国際連合と沖縄の関係 : 「人権」「先住民族」「自己決定権」の視点から}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ナカチ, キヨシ} }